Market share of the Android mobile operating system from 2021 to 2022

Mobile operating systems are dominated by Android and iOS, which cover most of the market. According to reports, Android’s market share in the fourth quarter of 2022 was close to 95.43 percent, retaining its position as the most popular mobile operating system worldwide.

With a market share of over 70 per cent across all devices, iOS and Android are leading in the market share competition. From Jul 2021 – Jul 2022, Android and iOS held the following shares of the global mobile OS market:

  • Android- In July 2022, Android held 95.43 % of the overall mobile OS market, while it was 72.42% in Aug 2022, and 73.55% in September 2022.
  • iOS- According to the latest data from the International Mobile Operating System Industry Association, iOS had a market share of 27.5% in July 2022, 30.83% in August and 28.8% in the month of September 2022.

As a result, when we analyze the global market statistics, we see that Android alone accounts for almost three-fourths, while iOS accounts for almost the rest. It is estimated that more than 6 billion people around the world use these two operating systems together.

More than 55 % of the Android market share is accounted for by manufacturers based in China. Smartphones and tablets running Android are owned by Google. Due to its open-source operating system, Android devices are preferred by most users

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